Working Titles Revealed For 'Deadpool 2,' 'Marvel’s Cloak And Dagger,' And 'Marvel’s Runaways'

During the process of making films or television shows, most of them go undercover in a way, so that set leaks don't occur constantly. How they go undercover is by using a working title(w/t), a throwaway name to keep the press and public at bay when things go into production.

Recently films like Black Panther and Aquaman have had their working titles revealed to be Motherland and Ahab respectively.

Now a few other productions have had their working titles revealed. First off Deadpool 2, its working title is Love Machine which is a reference to Wham's song of the same title, Wham being the band that the character of Wade Wilson most enjoys.

Moving from film to television, Marvel Television is making two shows, Cloak And Dagger and Runaways, the former going to Freeform with the latter going to Hulu. Their working titles are Shadows and Rugrats respectively.

One can only hope we get some more news in regards to all of the aforementioned films and shows soon.

Source: Production Weekly

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