'OurMine' Hacker Group Targeted Marvel And Netflix

Today, the 21st of December 2016, the somewhat notorious hacker group of OurMine had a bit of a field day targeting two main sources of entertainment. The group hacked the Twitter accounts of Netlflix USA and Marvel Entertainment.

To give a bit of backstory, OurMine are known for being more grey-hat hackers than the more devious black-hat ones, serving as a testing team for account security and not trolling the victims of an attack. They tend to simply provide the knowledge of what an account owner should do on Twitter to prevent unauthorised usage.

As said above today they went for the accounts pertaining to Netflix and Marvel, with Marvel taking the greater hit. From the below screencaps of various tweets made by the accounts, all read with "Hey, it's OurMine, Don't worry we are just testing your security, contact us to help you with your security contactourmineteam@gmail.com" or visit the group's site to boost security.

The attack on Marvel's end also went as a far as Adri Cowan, Marvel's Senior Social Media Manager.
Now it should be noted that if the likes of Marvel and Netflix can have their accounts compromised yours can too, but what all I can say is change your passwords at least every month and if sites have two-step authentication with your phone, activate that functionality.

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