I just ordered sprouted spelt flour to use in my Challah, and Peggy from To Your Health Sprouted Flour has some to giveaway for you as well!
Sprouted flour intrigues me, I have been meaning to buy some sprouted flour for quite some time. It's a great faster alternative to soaking wheat; the spouting uses the natural properties of seeds (wheat berries or spelt berries) to reduce the phytic acid and other anti-nutrients, leaving you with a more nutritious, more digestible grain.
Sprouted flour is made by sprouting the grain, then dehydrating it, then milling it into flour. The flour can be used as regular flour is in recipes but you don't have to soak/ferment it to make it more digestible; that was taken care of in the sprouting process. (You can see an example of my 'soaked' bread here). I'm going to use it in my challah at the end when I need to thicken up the dough a little to braid it , and for making quick breads like muffins.
To Your Health Sprouted Flour is giving away a 5-pound bag of organic sprouted spelt flour and shipping it out for free!
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