Have you been wanting to get into traditional foods, but feel like you need a mentor to show you the way?
Do you want the whole family to know how to cook nourishing meals?

Why take Nourished Kitchen's e-course this summer?
- Pre-done lessons are a great way to learn without distractions- sit down and do one lesson a week and quickly learn all you need to know about preparing nourishing staples such as homemade sourdough bread, pickles, and yogurt!
- Video tutorials give you the confidence to try it yourself since you can see and hear each step of the process.
- A wonderful way to introduce real foods into your family. Hubby and I enjoy learning things together, I know that when either of us wants to make a change in our family, it helps if we are learning the same thing at the same time.
- Homeschoolers! Here's a great traditional foods unit for you.
- Public/Private/Charter Schoolers! Have you been feeling that your school's health education and home ec are sadly lacking? Taking this class together as a family this summer is a great way to fill in those gaps.
- Learn when you can- I know that I'd love to take lots of classes about all sorts of things, but as a mom with young children it's just not feasible for me to regularly attend a class. This class is prefect not only for families, but for anyone who has a busy schedule because it's done when and where you want!
- Learn what you need to learn! Since Jenny has a great reputation for publishing awesome traditional food content, you know you're learning from the best and learning about what's important to you. Check out the schedule (scroll down here) before you sign up- see? Isn't it just what you were looking for?
- It's affordable! At $10 a class you learn and get the motivation you need to make lasting wholesome changes in your family's meals.
How it works:
Go sign up here now! Hurry! It starts June 1stSince the class is hosted online, you can download the materials and video tutorials anytime that works for you. You can even attend in your pajamas! Each [of the 12 lessons] is posted once a week – every Tuesday, beginning June 1st – and you can open them up, start the video tutorials and download the printable materials when it works for you. This class is designed to meet your needs. Plus, if you miss a class or don’t have time to watch the video tutorial on the scheduled week, don’t worry you’ll have 6 weeks of full access to the class even after it ends! And if you’re not sure that you’ll absolutely love the class, don’t worry – we offer a 14-day, no-questions-asked refund policy.
Photos from Jenny at Nourished Kitchen, aren't they beautiful?
Thank you for signing up through my link! I receive a small commission for each sale, but as with everything, I wouldn't promote things that I don't believe to be great values!