Part of the Working Around the Work Schedule Series
Past Posts in this series:
Menu Planning for the Work Schedule
Weekend Food Prep
Tuesday and Wednesday
Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with spinach, garlic, and grassfed cheese (yum) 15 minutes to make, 10 minutes to clean up.
Lunches: Packed as on Monday. We bought fruit leathers on Wednesday and had a couple for snacks.
Dinner: Breakfast for dinner- soaked wheat biscuits (made on Sunday and kept in a covered glass baking dish in the fridge until ready to bake- and they were really good!), eggs again, and cooked cabbage. I know, my kids won't eat peas but they love cooked cabbage. I realize we had scrambled eggs twice today- that doesn't really bother me. Eggs are easy, inexpensive, nutritious, and everyone likes them.
Tomorrow's prep: I'm running out of chicken salad so I make egg salad- 25 minutes and for 15 of that the eggs are boiling/cooling. Put together lunches (other than the sandwiches) while boiling the eggs.
Put my 7-grain whole grain cereal mix (it looks like oats, but it's different grains) in a pan with a dab of yogurt and water to soak overnight. ~one minute
Thaw 2 lbs of beef from the freezer.
Soaked wheat/spelt for challah (soaked recipe coming soon ) just right in the kitchenaid mixer bowl
Cleanup again was about 20 minutes.
*And I know I'm supposed to be out of the kitchen as described in this post, but I couldn't contain myself any longer and I made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies during the afternoon. They were made with the whole grain cereal I talked about above, and with honey rather than sugar- I'll have to do them again and measure while I do them so I can post the recipe, they turned out really good!
Breakfast: When oats or similar cereal has been soaked overnight, it's so fast to cook in the morning- you virtually just have to heat it up (15 minutes). Served with butter and a drizzle of maple syrup if you'd like. The butter is what makes you feel full so you're not hungry again in an hour like with cold cereal. Heated up beef sausage for my grain free little one.
Lunch: Egg salad sandwiches as talked about above- just egg salad for the little ones. Apples, fruit leather and a peanut butter Lara bar as snacks :)
Dinner: Burgers (no buns), chips and dip. I made the artichoke spinach parmesan dip, but without artichokes because I didn't have any. Added in lots of spinach- yum! Someone's double dipping his chip here ~grin~ Burgers take a little longer to cook (we did them on the barbecue), but cooking on the barbecue means less kitchen cleanup! Yay! And a nice way to end the week.
Summer Learning: Jenny's online cooking class to teach you, your family, or a group of friends how to prepare traditional food with videos, printable information, and an online discussion forum.
My fancy salad with homemade ranch
Edited to add all parts of this series: Continue below
Traditional Food in Real Lives- How can this be done around the work schedule?
Grocery Shopping and Menu Planning
Weekend Meal Prep
Tuesday and Wednesday
Thursday and Friday- the home stretch
Reflections on this week and how it impacts me as a stay at home mom, and adjustments I'd make if I did work outside the home
Past Posts in this series:
Menu Planning for the Work Schedule
Weekend Food Prep
Tuesday and Wednesday
Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with spinach, garlic, and grassfed cheese (yum) 15 minutes to make, 10 minutes to clean up.
Lunches: Packed as on Monday. We bought fruit leathers on Wednesday and had a couple for snacks.
Dinner: Breakfast for dinner- soaked wheat biscuits (made on Sunday and kept in a covered glass baking dish in the fridge until ready to bake- and they were really good!), eggs again, and cooked cabbage. I know, my kids won't eat peas but they love cooked cabbage. I realize we had scrambled eggs twice today- that doesn't really bother me. Eggs are easy, inexpensive, nutritious, and everyone likes them.
Tomorrow's prep: I'm running out of chicken salad so I make egg salad- 25 minutes and for 15 of that the eggs are boiling/cooling. Put together lunches (other than the sandwiches) while boiling the eggs.
Put my 7-grain whole grain cereal mix (it looks like oats, but it's different grains) in a pan with a dab of yogurt and water to soak overnight. ~one minute
Thaw 2 lbs of beef from the freezer.
Soaked wheat/spelt for challah (soaked recipe coming soon ) just right in the kitchenaid mixer bowl
Cleanup again was about 20 minutes.
*And I know I'm supposed to be out of the kitchen as described in this post, but I couldn't contain myself any longer and I made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies during the afternoon. They were made with the whole grain cereal I talked about above, and with honey rather than sugar- I'll have to do them again and measure while I do them so I can post the recipe, they turned out really good!

Breakfast: When oats or similar cereal has been soaked overnight, it's so fast to cook in the morning- you virtually just have to heat it up (15 minutes). Served with butter and a drizzle of maple syrup if you'd like. The butter is what makes you feel full so you're not hungry again in an hour like with cold cereal. Heated up beef sausage for my grain free little one.
Lunch: Egg salad sandwiches as talked about above- just egg salad for the little ones. Apples, fruit leather and a peanut butter Lara bar as snacks :)
Dinner: Burgers (no buns), chips and dip. I made the artichoke spinach parmesan dip, but without artichokes because I didn't have any. Added in lots of spinach- yum! Someone's double dipping his chip here ~grin~ Burgers take a little longer to cook (we did them on the barbecue), but cooking on the barbecue means less kitchen cleanup! Yay! And a nice way to end the week.
Summer Learning: Jenny's online cooking class to teach you, your family, or a group of friends how to prepare traditional food with videos, printable information, and an online discussion forum.
My fancy salad with homemade ranch
Edited to add all parts of this series: Continue below
Traditional Food in Real Lives- How can this be done around the work schedule?
Grocery Shopping and Menu Planning
Weekend Meal Prep
Tuesday and Wednesday
Thursday and Friday- the home stretch
Reflections on this week and how it impacts me as a stay at home mom, and adjustments I'd make if I did work outside the home