I posted my soaked wheat bread in pictures last summer, and I finally now got around to actually measuring as I put my ingredients in. Nourishing Traditions has a good recipe too, but honestly, I just dump things in until they look right (and yes, it always turns out differently. That doesn't bother me enough to measure). This time I stuck a Post-it on my cupboard door as I cooked and noted what I was adding and how much.
So, for the soaking part (you can read more about this in last summer's post)
- 7 cups whole wheat flour. This is Bronze Chief from Wheat Montana
- 1 cup plain yogurt
- 1/4 cup honey
- 1/2 cup palm oil (or coconut oil or butter)
- 1 cup water
It all went in my kitchenaid with the dough hook- I added the water last, pouring slowly until throughly mixed in (hands on time: 5 minutes)
Covered with a dish towel and let soak/ferment overnight
The next day added :
- 1 teaspoon yeast
- 1 teaspoon sea salt (I use salt even if I'm using salted butter, I think it really needs the salt!)

*The color difference is because of the light- the first picture was in afternoon light, this one is morning light
Just right in the kitchenaid bowl. (1 minute hands on time) let it mix for another 5-10 minutes. I could have 'proofed' the yeast in water with a dab of honey first, but I didn't and it worked fine. Even better would be to have a natural yeast starter, but I don't have that at the moment either.

Shaped two loaves, kneading a couple times to form the loaves. Put in my loaf pans that have been generously greased with palm oil. Butter or coconut oil would be fine too. (5 minutes hands on time)
- Left to rise while visiting a friend (a couple hours)
- Baked 45 minutes at 350.
- Allowed to cool in the pan a couple hours, then sliced. I like to slice before putting in the fridge so it's all ready to go.

For grain-free people there's coconut flour bread
And grain free pancakes
Hopefully I'll get a good yeast-free starter again soon
Soaked wheat pancakes
Part of Pennywise Platter Thursdays at The Nourishing Gourmet