Blueberry Smoothie
It's smoothie weather again! I find that if I try to enjoy smoothies in the wintertime my thermostat ends up getting cranked up way too high. So I stick with soups then, and smoothies when it starts to get warm.
I love that we can put our whole meal in the blender, blend it up, and everyone is thrilled with this sweetener free treat. The eggs and coconut oil additions make the smoothie stick with you.
I put in:
Our favorite fruits are strawberries and mangos, the picture above is blueberry. I've added spinach before, but I prefer to eat my spinach on the side, and just have fruit in my smoothies. With the eggs for protein and the coconut oil adding a good dose of fat and keeping me full, our smoothies are something fast that I feel is a plenty balanced meal. Before I started adding coconut oil, I'd be hungry again an hour later. These fill me enough to go all morning.
Concerned about raw eggs? I'm perfectly comfortable eating good quality eggs that are raw. Knowing what I do now about the unhealthy farming practices used to produce factory eggs, I wouldn't recommend consuming them raw (or at all if you can find a better alternative). But we get good quality local pastured eggs, and I'm happy to add to our smoothies. In fact, when I was pregnant with my second I used egg-filled smoothies to get my protein up for pregnancy. (More information on eating raw eggs)
Did you know? Orange juice, honey, and a couple raw eggs blend up and taste just like an Orange Julius.
I put in:
- Coconut oil, 3 or so tablespoons, as described in Sally Fallon's Eat Fat Lose Fat
- 3-4 raw eggs
- a banana or two
- a cup of frozen fruit
- about a cup of yogurt

Our favorite fruits are strawberries and mangos, the picture above is blueberry. I've added spinach before, but I prefer to eat my spinach on the side, and just have fruit in my smoothies. With the eggs for protein and the coconut oil adding a good dose of fat and keeping me full, our smoothies are something fast that I feel is a plenty balanced meal. Before I started adding coconut oil, I'd be hungry again an hour later. These fill me enough to go all morning.
Concerned about raw eggs? I'm perfectly comfortable eating good quality eggs that are raw. Knowing what I do now about the unhealthy farming practices used to produce factory eggs, I wouldn't recommend consuming them raw (or at all if you can find a better alternative). But we get good quality local pastured eggs, and I'm happy to add to our smoothies. In fact, when I was pregnant with my second I used egg-filled smoothies to get my protein up for pregnancy. (More information on eating raw eggs)
Did you know? Orange juice, honey, and a couple raw eggs blend up and taste just like an Orange Julius.
For fruit, we try to only buy berries that are organic, so we end up using a lot of {cheaper} bananas and only a handful of berries for flavor. Berries are crops that are heavily sprayed, and they have thin skin that would absorb chemicals easily. Bananas both have the skin that comes off, and aren't very heavily sprayed, if sprayed at all. (list of the food you'll want to buy organic to avoid heavy use of pesticides)
And thanks to your recommendations in the Kitchen Tools post, I got an Osterizer Blender
on sale at JC
Penny's that week. It's working really well for smoothies, and the fitting is metal, not plastic as the blender we had before (and wore out) was. It does scoot across the counter a little bit, but it's not bad. I just supervise ~grin~
What about you? What do you put in smoothies?
I posted on my Facebook page when we had our first smoothies of the year, and lots of talk about peanut butter and cocoa!
What about you? What do you put in smoothies?
I posted on my Facebook page when we had our first smoothies of the year, and lots of talk about peanut butter and cocoa!