I ordered a
bunch of books right before Christmas this year and with it's cute cover,
Real Food for Mother and Baby

is the first one I picked up to read. It was a great book that would be suitable to give a 'beginner' real foodist who was thinking about starting a family, yet had enough detail that just about anyone would find it an inspiring read. By the end Nina had me convinced that it was imperative to find a good source of fish roe, and reassured me that the lack of Goldfish or Cherrios in my children's diet is a good thing.
She covers all the basic topics that I'd like to talk about with everyone, especially new moms, but generally don't for fear of plowing them over. I'm more outspoken on my blog (see my monster
Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Babies post), but I look forward to being able to give this book at baby showers as a way to say, 'this is all the important stuff that they won't cover in the hospital-sponsored birth class!'
Real Food for Mother and Baby covers everything nutrition-related for babies, including:
- What Real Food is, for the uninitiated
- The importance of nutrition, even prior to conception
- Different needs for different parts of pregnancy (not too technical, don't worry!)
- Breastfeeding
- First foods for the new eater
I like reading things in 'story' format, so I loved the personal stories she shared about growing up on the farm, and how she's done things with her own son (I see on her website she now has twins as well!)