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If you're looking for more information on GAPS, look up top under the Grain Free section. Here are some posts of interest:
All Gut and Psychology Syndrome posts
What can you eat on GAPS?
GAPS-friendly cookies
GAPS candy!
A recent GAPS menu plan
My post about Juicing
I've posted a few soups, which we've all enjoyed this winter
A big part of GAPS is reducing the toxin load in the home, here is what I use for soap and hair/body/tooth care. Kitchen Stewardship has a great discussion going on about natural cleaners as well (and I've got a guest post going up there Friday too)
I've loved Tropical Traditions for their GAPS friendly food: Coconut oil, coconut cream concentrate, shredded coconut, and I'll have a review/giveaway of their coconut flour coming soon. If you place an order with them, we both get a bonus if you use my referral code: #5682145; you get a book on the awesome benefits of coconut and I get a jar of coconut oil, I really appreciate all my readers who use my code!
And just to clear up an issue that seems to come up pretty often:
I think that eating grain-free and starch-free (as in GAPS) is a good thing to do if you need to 'reset' your body's gut flora, but I don't think that it's necessarily for optimal health for everyone at all times. I'm looking forward to regularly including soaked grains in our diet again. Different people have different opinions on this, but it's my opinion that there's no reason to stay grain free forever. I'm using it more as a temporary diet change than one I plan to stick with forever. Real foods, on the other hand, I do plan on sticking with forever. ~smile~
And for those of you who are not interested in GAPS, I present my new goofy looking salt and pepper grinders!
I've been looking for matching salt and pepper grinders at a reasonable price for at least 6 months. When searching for 'fancy' shoes for my little one, I ran through the housewares isle at Ross and found some. The grinder is even ceramic, which in my Real Salt post, was recommended in the comment section. So, they're a little silly looking... I'd seen nice looking ones in Bozeman when we were there, but they were over ten times as much. For $4 a piece, I can do silly for a while.

They said they're 'mouse' grinders, I can see why :) And made in France, not China, which is always a plus.
I'm not the only one who will compromise on looks in order to get affordable and functional, am I?
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