I broke the potato peeler that hubby brought into our marriage 6+ years ago with my vigorous squash and apple peeling as of late.
Walmart is the only place in this part of town that sells potato peelers, so that's where we headed. Since my husband tends to analyze every purchase, all the way down to a $3 potato peeler, I assured him that I would post his findings on my blog for the benefit of fruit and vegetable peelers everywhere.
I was going for a comfortable handle, he was evaluating for likelihood that it would survive at least 6 years of hard use. We settled on the Farberware Professional Stainless Steel Euro Swivel Peeler
Although he was sure the all-metal design of the classic peeler was surely needed to withstand vigorous peeling, we were pleasantly surprised at the ease of which we could peel even butternut squash with the new, sharp, swiveling blade. The drawback to the Farberware peeler is that the top part that can scoop out bruises and blemishes is made of plastic, and thus doesn't hold up. But keeping a paring knife near the peeling station is a small price to pay for a comfortable handle that's slip resistant and big enough to grasp easily.
This post has not been brought to you by anyone other than myself, in an attempt to humor my husband (who thinks my blog is humorous in and of itself)
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