I lasted a whopping 3 days without candy. To make something using 'allowed' ingredients, I figured I could heat honey until it hardened, just like sugar. I heated it a little too long, but it was still good.
The almonds are soaked/roasted as described back here
Greased a cookie sheet with coconut oil and spread it all out to cool and harden.
Easy, no refined ingredients, and yummy!
Something I've noticed since starting this whole different way of eating is that now that I'm eating with digestion in mind, I chew my food much more thoroughly and don't rush through it. Maybe it's just me, but all so often I'd rush through eating, and would chew enough to swallow. Now that I'm thinking about my body being able to pull nutrients out of the food, I make sure things like nuts especially are finely ground before swallowing so that it's easier to work with 'down the line'. I also stopped giving my children things that they're not able to chew correctly, like whole almonds or raisins.
What do you think?
More posts about GAPS/Specific Carbohydrate Diet:
Modifying the intro to work for us
Starting GAPS
This post is going to be a part of Works for Me and Real Food Wednesday and Fight Back Friday