So GAPS is turning into SCD (Specific Carbohydrate Diet) but keeping the parts of GAPS that worked and make sense to me, like their probiotic, plenty of broth, slowly introducing foods, ginger tea, and when I have enough swagbucks to get another couple $5 amazon certificates (I have gotten $20 in Amazon certificates so far just for searching with their search engine a couple times a day, it's easy to sign up and free- worth a try, and it adds up!) I want to get some organic cold pressed olive oil
On both of these; GAPS and Specific Carbohydrate Diet, you're taking out complex carbohydrates in order to 'starve' the bad bacteria that produce toxins in your body and inhibit the update of nutrients. So I've been playing around with carbohydrates that are easy to digest. The picture is butternut squash, which I hadn't tried before! It is soooo good, I can't believe it's healthy :) Easy to prepare, I cut it in half, scooped out the seeds and pulp (there isn't much) and put it cut-side down on a pyrex. Added a couple cups of filtered water and a teaspoon or so of sea salt. Baked at 375 for 45 or so minutes. Scooped it into canning jars to store in the fridge.
Behind the squash is my new 8-quart stockpot
Part of Fight Back Friday (A collection of rebel bloggers who use real food)
What happened to my camera? Why am I taking these lame pictures with my web cam?
Starting GAPS post
Book reviews on GAPS, Breaking the Vicious Cycle, and more
How coconut oil can be used to reduce cravings and (really!) doesn't cause weight gain